Wednesday, January 6, 2010

TACA has a Facebook Group!

TACA now has a group on Facebook where approved members can post discussion questions, get feedback and interact with other TACA members!

Want to join?
  1. You must first be a Facebook member (you can create an account by logging onto
  2. Once you join, or if you are already a member, log into Facebook and search for TACA (or the Texas Association for Court Administration).
  3. Click on the group once you find it.
  4. Click on the "Join" button.
  5. Wait for confirmation of approval.
Only approved members can see the contents of the group page, meaning if you're not a member, all you will be able to see is the logo and description.

As always, please use your discresion when posting to any public group. TACA is a professional organization and the site will be moderated to assure that any information on the group page reflects positively on the Association.

Worried about your Facebook privacy? Here's and article you might find interesting:

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