Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Board Candidates Have Been Nominated!

This year, the TACA Board of Directors will have two open positions for the 2010 - 2011 term. Both Dana Cotherman and Sylvia Buitron’s positions on the Board have expired. Sylvia Buitron has submitted her Declaration of Candidacy to run for another term. Besides this candidate, nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the Annual Conference with written consent from the nominee’s supervising judge.

All regular members in good standing are eligible to vote for the Board of Directors. The TACA By-laws provide that members unable to attend the Annual Conference may vote by proxy (absentee) ballot.

The Nominations Committee recommends the following candidate:

Sylvia Buitron, Court Administrator for the 341st District Court in Laredo

Sylvia Buitron has been a member of TACA since June of 1987, when she started working for the 341st District Court with the Honorable Elma T. Salinas Ender. For the past 22 years, she has been working cooperatively with the other staff members to attempt to carry out the overall philosophy of the court. She handles all personnel matters including time sheets and payroll, prepares the annual budget, sets the judge’s calendar, orders office supplies, maintains the court’s files and acts as a liaison between the Court and other county entities in Webb County.

Sylvia has been attending the TACA Annual Conference since 1987 and has been a member of the Education Committee for approximately 15 years. She is always willing to help out at the conference wherever needed and still does so to this day as a board member. She has been serving as the Board Liaison to the Publication Committee over the past two years and has experienced firsthand what the Association really stands for. She realizes the length that the board, together as a unit, goes to in order to ensure, and protect the members’ best interests.

Sylvia has attended all three phases of the Professional Development Program. She was a member of SCAN (Stop Child Abuse and Neglect) from 1993 - 1998 and a United Way Board Member from 1997 - 2003.

Sylvia would like to continue to serve our organization and Judge Ender has given her consent and support to run for another term.